Far Beyond a Punchline
Don't usually write politics, but...
He's always been a buffon, a blowhard, a laughably harmless jackass whose only seeming reason for being is relentless self-promotion. Ready made for mocking on SNL and other late night talk shows.
When he first announced he was running for president, chuckles, giggles, eye rolling ensued. When he first started speaking as a candidate, saying most all Mexican immigrants are rapists, we howled, and profoundly disagreed, but many of us still secretly loved the blunt, politically incorrect speech. It wasn't what he was saying, but how he was saying it that, I admit, I initially found both repugnant and refreshing.
After 7 years of weak, hesitant, professorial drivel from our current president, whom I voted for twice, it was, temporarily, a welcome change. Why couldn't Barry talk tough, against tea party assholes and Muslim, Russian, and Chinese assholes? Seems like nothing much has really been accomplished over the past 7 years. Obambacare? Please...its been a disaster and won't last four more years.
BUT...the Donald stepped WAY OVER THE LINE a few weeks ago, and now he represents something very scary indeed. Very scary. We are looking at fascism. We are looking at a future dictaorship. We are hearing genocidal talk, both from him, and more importantly, from his millions of high school educated at best followers. We are talking about registering someone based on their religion?
Mmm...yellow stars in Jewish ghettos during Nazi Germany? We've tried that. It ended in ovens.
He's not a punchline anymore. He's not a joke. He's something frightening. And lo and behold: many GOP leaders are actually leading the alarm about him.
They see it ain't funny anymore.
Vote for them.
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