First week was a good week
This was the first week of the "official" book launch for first novel Don't Go, Ramanya. I had done a soft opening the previous few weeks as I worked out the kinks and made final tweaks and corrections to both eBook and print. I had very modest expectations. They were pleasantly exceeded. Nearly 80 downloaded the Kindle version over the first four days. Over 100 signed up on Goodreads for a free print copy. Got a couple new great reviews from complete strangers.
As this is my first time going through self-publishing, I really have no idea what I'm doing on the marketing and promotion side. Read dozens of articles, but just have to dive in a see what works and what doesn't. I've definitely always been a "do first, learn later" type of person.
But though a bit confusing, it's been fun so far. A few missteps, but thats part of the whole process. Great laying the groundwork for the next book, already nearly finished. And this really does feel right, much more natural than all those years I spent in the film biz. Always felt like a bit of an impostor in that world. Going back to "my roots" now, focusing 100% of creative energies on writing, it feels more like coming home.
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