Seriously? This year is almost over?

How the hell that happened, I don't know. It is true that time seems to speed up as you get older, especially if you have kids. Can't believe xmas is less than two weeks away. I don't really do resolutions, but definitely set goals. Looking back on 2016, its been a good one ( that stupid election notwithstanding). Got close to most my targets personally and professionally. Crushed it at my day job. Pushed my first novel out into the world and it has exceeded expectations. Next novel is even better and nearly done. Daughter has the world in the palm of her hands. I'm looking at the big 5-0 around the corner. Planning an epic party to blow it out. Could exercise more and be in a bit better shape (who couldn't) but as I glide down these last few days of the year, can't really complain!

Wishing you and yours a great holiday season and a stellar 2017...


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