Full stop

Recently, I have written two novels back to back, sprinkled in a few new short stories, done lots of revisions and promos. Time to take a good, long writing break. Already started playing around with novel #3, dipping my toe in the water, but not ready for a deep dive. Need to let things lie fallow. Maybe pick things up again this summer.

So, take care and speak to you then...

3/22/17 Update:

Ahhh... Spoke too soon. Try as I might, that computer screen (actually my iPhone) keeps sucking me in. Playing with first two chapters of Novel #3. Polishing a few short stories. Doing research for other projects. Shopping Novel #2. Still promoting Novel #1....

Guess I'll rest when I'm dead.

3/28/17 Update:

Yeah i really need a long break. A full, full stop. Proud of the work I've done the past 2.5 years, but the pages are getting blurry now and I can't see or hear the words correctly. Maybe pick it back up this summer.



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